We launched the weekly Continuity eGUIDE in 2003 with a vision to consolidate and communicate resources for the disciplines of BC, DR, and EM. Since then we have published over 640 editions and now publish on Wednesday twice a month. For more than 19 years we have worked to bring our industry together. It is our passion!


Vol 665 – Key Performance Indicators for Achieving Resilience

June 8, 2023

Perhaps the number one concern of resilience professionals is “How well will my resilience plan work when a real event occurs?” This is true for just about any plans or procedures that address disruptive events and how to respond to them.

One way – most likely the best way – to ensure that resilience plans will work as designed is to exercise them.

Another technique is to identify characteristics of the plan that can be measured in some way. Specifically, the goal is to examine and rate the performance of specific plan attributes. Industry veteran, Paul Kirvan, describes KPIs and provides examples of KPIs for resilience.

Vol 664 – Are Your Physical Security Systems Cyber Secure?

May 18, 2023

Physical security systems are often thought of as separate from cybersecurity systems. One protects an organization in the real world while the other protects it in the virtual world. However, physical security systems themselves need protection from cyber criminals, just like computer servers need physical protection. Physical security systems are highly appealing targets for hackers, especially today’s smart connected cameras. In March 2021, over 150,000 security cameras belonging to numerous organizations — including Tesla Motors and several jails and hospitals — were breached by a group of hacker activists. Zac Amos, tech features editor, outlines 5 steps you can take to build cyber-resilient physical security. 

Vol. 663 – Can We Break it? 9 Business Continuity Plan Testing Scenarios

May 4, 2023

Creating a business continuity plan (BCP) is only the first step toward implementing a rock-solid continuity strategy. The systems and protocols outlined in your plan might sound good in theory, but how do they hold up in a real-world disaster? There’s no way to know for sure without testing them. This is a critical component of continuity planning.

Dale Shulmistra outlines 9 Business Continuity plan testing scenarios that can ensure your technologies and teams are ready for anything.

Vol. 662 – Update on Cybersecurity Standards – 2023

April 20, 2023

Among the top five boardroom technology issues is cybersecurity – how to prevent cyberattacks, how to detect them and how to mitigate them. Reports in the media regularly cite examples of how these attacks penetrate even the most formidable corporate network perimeters.

And while professionals and perpetrators maintain a continuous cat-and-mouse game, the attacks still occur. Paul Kirvan provides an update on the most important cybersecurity standards, regulations and frameworks.

Vol. 661 – A New Outlook in Physical Infrastructure Threat Management for 2023 and Beyond

April 6, 2023

In recent years, the approach to physical infrastructure threat management has undergone a significant shift. With advances in technology and data analytics, organizations can take a more proactive and holistic approach to manage risks to their assets.

The integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) enables organizations to go beyond reactive measures and identify potential threats before they occur.

Our expert this week, Joseph Chukwube, explores these trends.

Vol. 660 – Resilience Professionals and the Power Grid

March 15, 2023

The nation’s power grid is among the most critical infrastructures, as it is used by virtually everybody, and its loss would be catastrophic.

In this article, Paul Kirvan examines the power grid, its risks and what is being done to ensure its continued operation. He also suggests guidelines for resilience professionals to keep their companies operational.

Vol. 659 – The Boardroom Needs to Know — Resilience Standards 2023

March 2, 2023

Resilience has become an important boardroom discussion point. Senior leadership has begun to accept the fact that being able to recover from a disruptive event may not be enough, Lessons learned from an event must help transform the business into a more adaptable and survivable organization. To help provide guidance on achieving a more resilient organization, numerous standards, frameworks and guidance have been developed. Paul Kirvan examines the most current resilience standards, frameworks and guidance, and where they can be obtained.

Vol. 658 – Early Lessons from the Earthquakes in Turkey & Syria

February 16, 2023

Over 40,000 (and still rising) dead at the time this newsletter is being released. Our hearts break hearing the stories. According to Turkey’s disaster management agency, over 100,000 rescue personnel have been deployed, with thousands more expected from generous countries. However, many Turkish people believe the government’s response should have been better.
Already there are early lessons we can draw from the earthquake, with a focus on the preparedness, the response and the role of technology in disaster management.

Vol. 657 – Building Emotional Resilience for Crisis Situations

February 3, 2023

Many organizations face challenges when it comes to applying creating emotional resilience for crisis situations. Some may believe having a disaster response plan is enough, but there’s a human aspect that doesn’t seem to get enough attention. The video series, “Preparing for the Unexpected”, features Dr. Liz Royle who sheds light on what’s missing and how we can address it. She provides insight into how we can create emotional resilience by creating and utilizing some innovative human recovery processes during crisis situations.

Vol. 656 – 5 Questions for Understanding the Fundamentals of Business Resiliency

January 19, 2023

Legacy oak trees in southern U.S. have seen their share of hurricanes, strong thunderstorms, freezes, heat waves, droughts and more. Through all of that, the legacy oak tree still stands tall and strong. With an average lifespan of 100-300 years, the trees fit the definition of resilience for their ability to “absorb and adapt in a changing environment.” This same principle of resiliency can be transferred to a company as well. Resilience expert Carol Williams shares the example of a Fortune 500 company who has demonstrated good long-term business resiliency.