Are Your Physical Security Systems Cyber Secure?

From our Sponsor

Developing Trends in Physical Threats and the Ripple Effect of Risks: Webinar May 31, 2 PM

The OnSolve Global Risk Impact Report is out, and their risk intelligence data reveals up to 10 physical threats can occur every minute. According to the recently launched report, an analysis of more than nine million global events over the last two years shows alarming increases in crises related to infrastructure and technology failures, transportation accidents and extreme weather.

Join this live webinar to learn:

  • The three critically rising threats according to OnSolve data
  • How business leaders we surveyed are approaching risk mitigation and crisis response
  • 3 steps to help prioritize proactive crisis mitigation and ownership with leadership
Register today! >>

Meet the Expert

Are Your Physical Security Systems Cyber Secure?

Physical security systems are often thought of as separate from cybersecurity systems. One protects an organization in the real world while the other protects it in the virtual world. However, physical security systems themselves need protection from cyber criminals, just like computer servers need physical protection.

Physical security systems are highly appealing targets for hackers, especially today’s smart connected cameras. In March 2021, over 150,000 security cameras belonging to numerous organizations — including Tesla Motors and several jails and hospitals — were breached by a group of hacker activists. Zac Amos, tech features editor, outlines 5 steps you can take to build cyber-resilient physical security.

Learn the 5 Steps >>

In the Know...

Podcast: A World-Class CISO Shares What Keeps Him Up at Night

Resilience Think Tank is focused on helping colleagues expand their knowledge into disciplines that are associated with resilience. Cyber is one of those disciplines. And who better to learn from than a world-class CISO. Mark Hoffman, podcast host, welcomes Chief Information Security Officer Greg Rogers. Greg explains exactly what keeps him up at night. Some of the questions they discussed: Does paying ransom make you a more likely target in the future? How often do decryption keys actually work? And when it comes to the role of the CISO – is that a technical position or a leadership role?

Listen to the podcast >>

Warming Up: A former firefighter looks to provide pre-emptive assistance for wildfires

The developed tool looks to track the amount of combustible vegetation surrounding vulnerable communities.

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Make It So: How lessons about cybersecurity can be learned from Star Trek: Picard

From insider threats to the increasingly stealthy nature of hackers, the show offers insights for your cybersecurity team to consider.

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A Local Effort: While support has come from outside, it’s members of the community that are driving much of Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery

Focusing on mutual aid, locals have helped to rebuild their drinking water infrastructure.

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Rise of the Machines: The sudden public availability of AI tools is driving an increase in phishing and other cybersecurity attacks

Cybercriminals have been early adapters of these AI tools, to help select targets and add believability.

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Changing Directions: The best approaches for disaster recovery continue to change in response to both technology and legislation

Speed and robustness remain critical in building solutions against threats to networks.

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Medical Emergencies: The lack of preparedness of many health care systems is making them a popular target for ransomware attacks

Between the critical impacts to patient health, and the amount of personal information involved, cybersecurity departments are under pressure to rapidly resolve issues.

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Deluxe Corporate Emergency Kit

A 72-hour pack with food, water, medical, sanitation, light, warmth and communication items for a group of 10 people, and search and rescue tools to not only support your colleagues close by but also reach out to those who may need a little assistance. Contingency planning begins with taking care of your #1 resource - your employees!

Click Here >>


IAEM 71st Annual Conference November 3-9, 2023 Long Beach, CA

“Emergency Management Turning the Tide” is a multi-day training and educational event that provides many benefits to emergency management professionals in all levels of government, the private sector, and non- government agencies alike. The conference includes a multitude of topics to enhance your knowledge.

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Industry Pulse

Security Risk Management - The Driving Force for Operational Resilience, The Firefighting Paradox

This soon-to-publish book by By Jim Seaman and Michael Gioia changes the perspective on an organization’s operational resilience capabilities — from a reactive (tick box) approach to a proactive one.

The perspectives of every chapter in this book are with a focus on risk profiles and how your business can reduce these profiles using effective mitigation measures.

The book is divided into two sections:

1. Security Risk Management

All the components of Security Risk Management contribute to your organization’s Operational Resilience capabilities, to help reduce your risks. Reduce the Probability/Likelihood.

2. Survive to Operate

In the event your SRM capabilities fail your organization, these are the components that are needed to allow you to quickly ‘Bounce Back’. Reduce the Severity/Impact.

The authors have written these to be agnostic of any specific Operational Resilience Framework (e.g., CERT RMM, ISO 22316, SP 800-160 Vol. 2 Rev. 1, etc.), with the idea of looking at Operational Resilience through a Risk Management lens instead. This book is not intended to replace these numerous Operational Resilience standards/frameworks but, rather, has been designed to complement them by getting you to appreciate their value in helping to identify and mitigate your Operational Resilience risks.

This book is not limited to cyber-attacks or the loss of sensitive data but, instead, looks at things from a business holistic viewpoint.

Pre-order your book today >>


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