Send Word Now – A Case Study

By Publisher|2022-04-30T20:42:22+00:00February 1st, 2019|

Before implementing Send Word Now’s award winning Alerting Service in 2011, The Salvation Army Greater New York (GNY) Division relied on manual call trees for emergency notification. Today, because of its fast speed and ease [...]

Ready in a Moment’s Notice

By Piccadilly|2022-04-30T21:05:03+00:00January 29th, 2019|

In 2011, tornadoes ripped through the southeastern United States. In 2012, there were 19 tropical storms and hurricanes, five of them having a direct impact on the U.S. In these two years alone, natural disasters [...]

So You Want A Base Camp?

By Richard Cheek|2022-05-18T18:40:38+00:00January 28th, 2019|

If your disaster preparedness or continuity plan includes a base camp, here are some key considerations as you develop your plan. It is far better to think through these issues well in advance than to [...]