By Editor|2022-08-02T15:08:26+00:00August 2nd, 2022|Comments Off on Working Together: Teamwork and industry partnerships can add robustness to your cybersecurity plans

Working Together: Teamwork and industry partnerships can add robustness to your cybersecurity plans

While technical solutions can be a big driver in improving the resilience of your cyber security program, non-technical measures can also go a long way in helping protect your company from hackers and other malicious actors. Writing for the World Economic Forum, Joe Nocera, Cybersecurity and Privacy Innovation Institute Leader for PwC US, offers a set of three ways to take advantage of these non-technical means, via the application of both internal and external partnerships:

  • By building teamwork, from the top on down, and encouraging an environment that rewards cybersecurity collaboration
  • By performing regular tabletop security exercises, to encourage people to think actively about how to react when threats are detected, and
  • By working with law-enforcement, government, and industry groups to share information on attack techniques and tools you’ve encountered.

While it’s nice to believe an individual can go it alone in building a successful cybersecurity program, the reality nowadays is that the constantly increasing complexity of attacks has made working with others, both inside and outside of an organization, a necessity.


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About the Author: Editor