By Editor|2021-02-16T07:35:51+00:00February 16th, 2021|Comments Off on Thinking Small: Micro-drills can help ensure readiness for cybersecurity threats

Thinking Small: Micro-drills can help ensure readiness for cybersecurity threats

While major training exercises can help to identify a wide range of problems, the infrequency of these events often leads to team members forgetting key tasks in between events. To help ensure staff remain ready and prepared to deploy their skills in the event of a cyberattack or other incident, micro-drills offer a potential solution, according to an article in TechRepublic. These smaller scale training tasks give the ability to both more regularly test skills, while also allowing for testing a wider range of conditions and variations.

The result of this micro-drilling is often increased acquisition of new skills, better retention of existing skills, and iterative growth of understanding, as people are able to apply information learned from previous micro-drills to new situations.

“Without having to collect stakeholders in a physical location, and only being run for an hour or so, micro-drilling allows for a greater cadence of training as it is less burdensome,” says psychologist Rebecca McKeown to TechRepublic. “This leads to the continual acquisition of cyber crisis-response skills.”


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