By Editor|2021-04-20T07:04:58+00:00April 20th, 2021|Comments Off on The Health of Health: The pandemic has drawn attention to the ability of heath care resources to respond to large scale threats

The Health of Health: The pandemic has drawn attention to the ability of heath care resources to respond to large scale threats

With the pandemic still running strong through most of the world, a World Bank report seeks to provide direction as to how to add resilience to healthcare systems in advance of future national or international disasters, according to an article on Relief Web. Funded by the Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries, the report highlights five areas upon which focus can be placed to create healthcare systems better capable of handling sudden disruptions:

  • For the foundations of the healthcare system, emphasis needs to be placed on effective management of routine demand, through ensuring stable financing, access to skilled staff, and sufficient equipment and protocols;
  • For individual healthcare facilities, contingency plans need to be developed to prepare staff, equipment, and sites for appropriate potential threats;
  • For healthcare systems, preparations need to be made for handling increased capacities in advance of disaster, and ensure smooth communications across all points in the system to help redirect resources and staff as needed;
  • For integrated emergency responses, planning should be coordinated with key outside teams, including disaster response and protection agencies at the various governmental levels, to assist in supplementing support; and
  • For lifeline infrastructure, resiliency must be embedded into critical utilities, including water, electricity, and communication services.


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