By Editor|2022-06-14T17:49:35+00:00June 14th, 2022|Comments Off on Sending Help: The Extension Disaster Education Network looks to help coordinate the delivery of services to those hit by disaster

Sending Help: The Extension Disaster Education Network looks to help coordinate the delivery of services to those hit by disaster

With predictions of another active hurricane season abounding, the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is ramping up efforts to help deliver services to those hit by disaster. Founded by the USDA in 1993, EDEN will be again providing support of Extension workers in the United States, in partnership with state and local emergency management networks, for the purpose of providing education on disaster preparation, and helping in local recovery efforts.

This effort takes many forms, with EDEN efforts including:

  • Working with Southern University to develop an emergency preparedness conference and webinar series for communities with limited resources
  • Working with the University of Florida to develop an online survey to assist in gathering information on disaster information related to agriculture
  • Building four teams with the University of Georgia to help respond to disasters affecting the state
  • With a strong focus on readiness and recovery, teams from EDEN are expected to have many opportunities to display their contributions in supporting local communities as they weather the coming storms.


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About the Author: Editor