By Editor|2023-12-05T19:24:27+00:00December 5th, 2023|Comments Off on Securing Help: For women and those with disabilities, emergency evacuation centers often lack necessary supports

Securing Help: For women and those with disabilities, emergency evacuation centers often lack necessary supports

For those in areas like the Pacific Islands, the threat of natural disaster is a common one, with the area being prone to earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, and volcanic eruptions, which has led the population to be in a state of constant preparedness for disaster. However, the basic level of preparedness is often insufficient for certain groups, with women with disabilities requiring additional levels of preparedness to ensure they’re properly accommodated when a disaster strikes and can feel safe.

Disability rights advocate Angeline Chand notes that what constitutes safety can vary heavily from person to person, which can lead to additional challenges in convincing people to evacuate in times of need. Says Chand, “Often we are asked why persons with disabilities don’t want to evacuate. There are a lot of issues. They are used to their home and family support systems. They are thinking twice about going to a new environment.”

Considerations like this have led the UNFPA to develop a checklist to help ensure young people with disabilities are properly engaged in humanitarian action, with the intent of improving accessibility and other necessary specialized assistance. Similarly, for women, the UNFPA has worked to provide dignity kits, providing support for both hygiene and sanitation issues, as well as items like whistles and flashlights to improve sense of safety and freedom of mobility. Says Chand, “We are getting very good feedback from the users that [the kits are] very beneficial to their needs and meet their requirements.”


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