By Editor|2022-03-15T15:52:50+00:00March 15th, 2022|Comments Off on Lend A Helping Hand: Experts offer their recommendations on the best ways to assist in the Ukraine relief effort

Lend A Helping Hand: Experts offer their recommendations on the best ways to assist in the Ukraine relief effort

While all support is appreciated in times of need, charities almost always state that the most helpful thing that can be contributed is money, due to both the speed and flexibility it offers. Says Dan Walden, senior emergencies specialist for Unicef, “We understand that it’s tempting for people to want to make donations that seem more personal to them: raiding their cupboards for items they can imagine being helpful. But time is of the essence in Ukraine and we can get money transferred from our bank to a local bank in Ukraine within moments.”

Judith Escibrano, director of communications for Action Against Hunger agrees, noting “We don’t have the capacity to sort the goods here or to distribute them once there. It’s usually much easier to buy items in the countries where they are needed. It’s also usually cheaper and helps local markets and economies, helping countries to get back on their feet.”

For those unable to donate money, Mark Freer, managing director of philanthropy services, for the Charities Aid Foundation, says “If people want to donate goods and supplies, it’s worth speaking to international aid charities – like the Red Cross or Save the Children – first to see what’s most needed and how they can help.” 

The list of charities and humanitarian organizations looking to help is extensive, and include groups like the Ukrainian Red Cross, the International Medical Corps, Nova Ukraine, and a wide assortment of organizations associated with the WHO or the UN.


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About the Author: Editor