By Editor|2019-03-21T08:25:08+00:00September 5th, 2018|Comments Off on Keeping Business Afloat, Post-Flooding

Keeping Business Afloat, Post-Flooding

A disaster can strike a business at any time  –- whether the business survives depends partially on luck, but also on the preparations done before the disaster hits. Writing for the Associated Press, Joyce M. Rosenberg tells the story of six businesses as they worked their way through disaster recovery, after hurricanes, tornados, and fires. From building a disaster recovery plan, backing up data offsite, holding appropriate types of insurance, or knowing the government assistance programs available, businesses have used a wide variety of techniques to allow them to rebuild.

It’s also critical to let customers know you’re still in business after a disaster. Says Craig Markowitz, professor of entrepreneurship at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business to the Associated Press, “Let people know you’re going to get back on your feet.” Even if it’s just a sign on the door, or a post on Social Media, it will let customers, clients, and partners know you’re still around.”




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About the Author: Editor