By Editor|2020-09-15T11:18:10+00:00September 15th, 2020|Comments Off on History Lesson: What can be learned from efforts in the second World War to fight the climate emergency

History Lesson: What can be learned from efforts in the second World War to fight the climate emergency

With major fires occurring up and down the West coast, and it looking like another rough hurricane season, concerns are again growing about the ability of governments to respond to the climate emergency. Seeking to draw from successful responses to major threats, Seth Klein, adjunct professor in urban studies at Simon Fraser University, has recommended looking back to the national responses to WWII, to help guide future actions. Klein offers a set of guidelines based on Canada’s war effort which could be applied to help arrest climate change, including:

  • Adopting an emergency mindset
  • Pursuing public buy in to the need for response
  • Reducing inequality so that people share the burden of needed changes
  • Establishing the needed economic institutions to support the effort
  • Ensuring no one is left behind by the effort, by creating opportunities for those are sacrificing their effort


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