By Editor|2023-05-02T16:41:27+00:00May 2nd, 2023|Comments Off on From the Top Down: Geospatial technologies are influencing all levels of emergency management

From the Top Down: Geospatial technologies are influencing all levels of emergency management

Before, during, and after a disaster, access to accurate and easily updated maps can be crucial, and new and improved geospatial technologies are reshaping how these maps can be used. From sizes as small as a city or short as a day, to covering events spreading across thousands of miles and weeks of time, emergency managers are now able to turn to these rapidly changing maps to help them plan what to do next, according to an article in Directions Magazine.

Taking from commonly available or custom sources, these tools are able to overlay real-time or previously evaluated data, and show how situations have changed. For events like hurricanes or forest fires, this can allow rerouting of emergency responders to help them avoid flooded roads or now unpassable terrain, so that they can more effectively assist those in need. Comparably, after a disaster, cross-references can be made between new satellite imagery and archaeological, cultural, or historical sites to help determine the extent of damage.

Even internationally, where accurate map data may be in short supply, tools are being developed to absorb information provided from local volunteers, to assist in initial responses and post-disaster recovery. From all of this comes opportunities to build greater resilience in advance, and more effective efforts to rebuild.


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About the Author: Editor