By Editor|2021-05-18T11:40:15+00:00May 18th, 2021|Comments Off on From Past To Future: Looking back at the handling of previous disasters can provide insights into responding to new threats

From Past To Future: Looking back at the handling of previous disasters can provide insights into responding to new threats

A new study from the University of Washington has examined government responses to past disasters and crises, and how they shaped the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking into such events as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the H1N1 crisis in 2009-2010, the study found that the fragmented state and national response to COVID-19 could have been mitigated if lessons had been learned.

Specifically, the study considers the communication challenges between federal and state agencies in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, the wasteful and unfocused spending for emergency supplies in response to the evacuation after Katrina, and the depletion of resources during H1N1 pandemic. Mention is also made of the dissolution of the pandemic team, and the associated loss of knowledge.

Additional emphasis is made on the importance of centralization.“In the moment of disasters, we prioritize saving lives, but if we also want to achieve other goals, like equity, we need to establish processes and relationships in advance,” Ben Brunjes, co-author of the study and assistant professor of public policy at the University of Washington, said in a press release.


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