By Editor|2022-11-15T13:56:43+00:00November 15th, 2022|Comments Off on Ensuring Accountability: Consider these seven tips for engaging people in your cybersecurity program

Ensuring Accountability: Consider these seven tips for engaging people in your cybersecurity program

It’s well known that one of the hardest things to manage for a cybersecurity program is people, who often don’t recognize its importance, and how little mistakes by them can lead to big consequences for companies, according to Intelligent CIO. The key driver for managing this is building a culture of cybersecurity accountability within your organization, considering the following steps:

Starting at the top, by ensuring leadership is both engaged and supportive

Carefully explaining the goals of the cybersecurity team, and how they help keep everyone working

Describing concerns, risks, and actions in plain language, so everyone can understand

Emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity awareness continually

Establishing training that is both informative and engaging, so people retain key information

Recognizing people may make cybersecurity mistakes, and the first reaction to an error shouldn’t be punishment

Remaining open for constructive feedback, to encourage people to offer suggestions or point out areas that could be improved.

By building this accountability, you’ll find yourself with an organization that is at lower risk, as people will be more aware of and willing to report on cybersecurity threats they’ve observed. 


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About the Author: Editor