By Editor|2021-05-18T11:37:08+00:00May 18th, 2021|Comments Off on Doing It Together: When building a continuity plan for your business, be sure to involve all stakeholders

Doing It Together: When building a continuity plan for your business, be sure to involve all stakeholders

Any business continuity plan is never done, requiring constant revisiting to consider new conditions and threats, and making updates to better capture the risks to smooth operation and the actions needed to restore a company to a state of full operation, according to an article in JD Supra.

When building your plan, be sure to engage as many team members as reasonably possible, as their individual expertise and knowledge will help to identify critical information, and perceived weaknesses, writes Katie Albers in JD Supra. Similarly, by bringing in leads from each department, risks to operation can be identified, and discussion held regarding activities or information which overlaps between different departments, with focus being placed on collaborative efforts.

Similarly, training and testing of business continuity plans can benefit from engagement with all employees, to ensure they both understand their roles in an emergency, and can help identify risks and threats early in the process, writes Albers. If employees aren’t aware of their roles, then the possibility if disaster in an emergency can only grow.

Finally, be sure to regularly revisit the plan, as new risks are identified by team members, or changes in the organizational structure create new roles or merge existing ones.


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