By Editor|2019-06-04T10:06:51+00:00June 4th, 2019|Comments Off on Business Continuity Lessons: What C-Suite Executives Need To Consider For Incident Management

Business Continuity Lessons: What C-Suite Executives Need To Consider For Incident Management

In cases of disaster, being flexible can be the difference between successful data recovery and lost business. Martin Audcent, CFO at SysGroup, writes about top tips for company leaders to consider in terms of business continuity in a recent article at Information Age. 

  • Consider offsite backups for not just data, but also employee productivity in terms of work from home setups for employees, complete with phone forwarding, internet connectivity and reference material such as customer contact lists.
  • Map critical infrastructure, figure out how long you can do business without access to this infrastructure, then plan a wish list of actions to happen in the case of disruption.
  • Test annually, at a minimum, and adapt as needed.


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