By Editor|2019-03-20T09:29:42+00:00March 21st, 2018|Comments Off on A Civil Response

A Civil Response

In the city of brotherly love, city officials are encouraging residents to carry naloxene in order to be able to use it to save the lives of others in cases of opioid overdose, according to an Associated Press story.

Through ad campaigns and live training, the city hopes to reduce opioid overdose cases, and has put in a standing order at all city pharmacies for residents to obtain prescription-free naloxene. “Although naloxone is a prescription medication, Pennsylvania – like many states – has passed laws making it available as a standing order,” says the City of Philadelphia website. “A standing order prescription allows pharmacists in Pennsylvania to dispense naloxone without requiring an individual prescription.” The website also lists warning signs of opioid overdose, and where to get help and training.

“If a loved one uses opioids, carrying naloxone can save them,” Crystal Yates, the assistant deputy commissioner for EMS at the Philadelphia Fire Department, told the Associated Press. “It’s safe, it’s effective and it’s easy to use.”



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